Vol evol (Sung by Malak Rizkalla)

Vol evol (Sung by Malak Rizkalla)


Hel wa eghfer wa esfah lana ya Allah 'an zalateena, allaty sana'anaha be eradateena, wa allaty sana'anaha be-ghayr eradateena, allaty fa'alnaha be ma'arefa wa allaty fa'alnaha be-ghayr ma'arefa, al-khafeya wa al-zahera. Yarab eghferha lana.

(Loose, remit and forgive us O God our iniquities; that we have committed willingly, and that we have committed unwillingly, that we've committed knowingly and that we have committed unknowingly; the hidden and the manifest. O Lord remit them.)

(Vol evol ko evol areeseen-khoreen nan Efnoty enen paraptoma, nee etan ayto khen pen o-osh, nem nee etan ayto khen pen o-osh, an nee etan ayto khen o-emee, nem nee etan ayton khen o metat emee, nee et-heep nee eth-o onh evol. Epetchoise ek ekav nan evol.)

حل وأغفر وأصفح لنا يا الله عن زلاتنا التي صنعناها بإرادتنا والتي صنعناها بغير إرادتنا . والتي فعلناها بمعرفة والتي فعلناها بغير معرفة . الخفية والظاهرة يارب أغفرها لنا

Level: Revision
Language: Coptic
Cantor: Malak Rizkalla

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