Praise for St. Marina مديح القديسة العظيمة: مارينا الناسكة

by CTVchannel, 10 years ago

Praise great Saint: Marina Ascetic Zhdt what the minimum and desires trampled them and came up with her father Znoha monks as one of the boys lived in concealment traveled father to the heavens after the Jihad in the prayers and hopes Theology increased in prayers and Osoamha and modest fixed in her will Hsdha Devil machinate can and invents the human being expelled Prime monks lived all faith and her children Glban patient three years in crying and humility and certainty for re-entry to the monastery nostalgically they entered parents stares of contempt to be like the wage earners and put them laws struggled inter years in jihad and patience a solid shadow password Maktoum and everyone looks and blames the boy thinks every day it came time and time for the departure of the selected She lived with all the purity and called Ghulamha and blessed Beslwatha and handed over to our God bells rang and met all the people went their obsessive overflowed Perfume Ok shouted All the wailing mercy on us, O God, O respondent appeared virtues and the blind saw its light and everyone Atobha epilepsy Devil dreaded Alkhatih and wicked attending to her body ...


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