Shere tef analemepsees (Sung by Malak Rizkalla)
by St. Demiana & St. Athanasius Church, Sydney, 9 years ago
Shere tef analemepsees (Sung by Malak Rizkalla)
Shere tef analem-epses etaf shenaf e epshoi eneefee owee : khen o-o-o nem otayo : af-hemsee sa owee nam em-pefyot.
(Hail to His ascension : as He ascended to Heaven: in glory and honour : and sat at the right hand of His Father.)
السلام لصعوده لما صعد إلي السموات بمجد وكرامة ، وجلس عن يمين أبيه
St. Demiana & St. Athanasius Church, Sydney uploaded a new media, Shere tef analemepsees (Sung by Malak Rizkalla)
9 years ago
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