Omonogenees (By Malak Rizkalla)

Omonogenees (By Malak Rizkalla)

Sung by Malak Rizkalla
Edited by Bishoi Rizkalla


Omonogenees Eyos : ke loghos to Theo:

Athanatos (x3) ipar-khon ke kata zexa menos : zia-tin imeteran sotirian sarko- thi-ne : tis agias theo-toko ke e-a-ee (par-theno Marias) x2

Atreptos (x3) enan ethropisas o-estavrotis te Ekhriste o-Theos : thanato thanaton patisas : es on tis agias etriados : sin-zoxazo-menos to patri ke to agio Epnevmati soson emas.

Agios (x3) o Theos : ozi imas an-ethropos gegonos atreptos ke minas Theos.

Agios (x3) yes-cheros o-en-athenia to i- perekhon : tis yescheros epizi-exa- menos.

Agios (x3) athanatos o estavrotis di emas : oton zia-estavro thanaton ipominas : sarki ke zi-exasos ke en thanato : gegonos iparshis athanatos. Agia etreyas eleyson emas.


O You the only begotten Son and the Word of God :

Immortal (x3) and everlasting who accepted everything for our salvation. The Incarnated from the Mother of God the ever virgin Saint Mary (x2)

Without (x3) change, Christ God who became Man was crucified. Through death He trampled death. One of the Holy Trinity Who is glorified with the Father and Holy Spirit, save us.

Holy (x3) God who for our sake became Man without change while being God.

Holy (x3) Mighty who revealed through weakness what is greater than strength.

Holy (x3) Immortal who was crucified for us and bore death of the Cross and accepted it in His Body while being everlasting and Immortal. O Holy Trinity have mercy upon us.

Level: Revision
Language: Coptic
Cantor: Malak Rizkalla

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