Doxologies for the Resurrection
Hail to you. We ask you: O saint, full of glory: the Ever-Virgin: the Mother of God, the Mother of Christ. Lift up our prayers: unto your beloved Son: that He may forgive us our sins. Hail to the holy Virgin: who has borne for us: the true light: Christ our God. Ask the Lord on our behalf: that He may have mercy on our souls: and forgive us our sins. O Virgin Mary: the holy Theotokos, the faithful intercessor of the human race. Intercede on our behalf: before Christ Whom you borne: that He may grant us: the forgiveness of our sins. Hail to you, O Virgin: the true Queen: Hail to the pride of our race: who has borne for us Emmanuel. We ask you to remember us: O faithful intercessor: before our Lord Jesus Christ: that He may forgive us our sins. Then our mouth was filled with joy: and our tongue with rejoicingfor our Lord Jesus Christhas risen from the dead. By His power He abolished deathand made life to shine on usHe, Who also descended tothe lower parts of the earth. The gate-keepers of Hadessaw Him and were afraidHe destroyed the pangs of deathand they could not take hold of Him. He destroyed the brass gatesand cut down the iron barsand brought out His chosen onesin gladness and joy. He lifted them up with Himinto His places of restHe saved them for the sake of His name: and revealed His power to them. Wherefore we are richin the perfect good thingsand in faith, we singsaying, "Alleluia." Alleluia. Alleluia: Alleluia. Alleluia: Jesus Christ, King of Gloryhas risen from the dead. This is He to Whom glory is duewith His Good Fatherand the Holy Spiritboth now and ever. The adornment of Mary: in the highest heaven: at the right hand of her Beloved: praying to Him on our behalf. As David has said: in the Book of Psalms: "The Queen did stand: at Your right hand, O King." Solomon has called her: in the Song of Songs: "My sister and my spouse: My true city Jerusalem." For he has given a symbol of her: in diverse glorious names: saying, "Come out of your garden: O choicest aroma." Hail to you, O Virgin: the true Queen: Hail to the pride of our race: You have borne for us Emmanuel. We ask you, remember us: O our faithful intercessor: before our Lord Jesus Christ: that He may forgive us our sins. At the resurrection of Christ: the women carried the ointmentand went and sought in hasteMichael appeared unto them. His likeness was like bright lightningand his outfit waswhite as snow. He answered and said: unto the women who carried the ointment: "He, Whom you seek is not here He has risen." Hasten and goTell His apostlesHe has risen from the deadas He told you. Rejoice for He, Who was crucifiedhas risen from the deadbehold, He is going to Galilee.You will see Him there, as I said. Great is your honor O Michael, the Archangelfor you announced to usthe resurrection of the Lord. O You, Who were crucified for usO Christ, the King of GloryYou have risen from the deadand You gave us Your gladness. Intercede on our behalf O announcer of the resurrection Michael the chief of the heavenly hosts that He may forgive us our sins. Facing danger at sea, and fearful persecution, you became a chosen vessel, of our Lord and Savior. By your sermons and letters, you enlightened the nations and to the Athenians you revealed, the unknown God. You are the teacher of the nations, and protector of us all, keep us who honor you, safe from every tribulation. You were beheaded, in the great city of Rome, by Emperor Nero, for the name of Jesus Christ. Pray to the Lord on our behalf, our lord and father the Apostle, our great teacher St. Paul, that He may forgive us our sins. Watch over us from on high,Where you dwell O Lady of us all The ever-virgin Theotokos. Ask of Him Whom you have borne: our good Savior: to take away our afflictions: and establish for us His peace. Hail to you, O Virgin: the true Queen: Hail to the pride of our race: You have borne for us Emmanuel. We ask you, remember us: O our faithful intercessor: before our Lord Jesus Christ: that He may forgive us our sins.
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