To leetho [Coptic resurrection liturgy] (By Malak Rizkalla)
To leetho [Coptic resurrection liturgy] (By Malak Rizkalla)
Sung by Malak Rizkalla
Edited by Bishoi Rizkalla
To leetho efragees-then-tos ipo ton yozeon : kestrateyo-ton feelasonton to akranton so soma : anestis etri- meros soteer : zoro-menos to kosmo tin zo-een : zeya toto e zenamis ton oranon: evon si zo-ozota : "Zoxa ti anastasi so- Ekhriste : zoxati vasilia so : zoxati oikonomia so : mone feelan-ethropee."
When the stone was sealed from the Jews and Your Holy Body was guarded by the soldiers, You arose on the third day, O Saviour, granting life to the world. For that the heavenly hosts cried out to You, O Donor of life: "Glory be to Your Resurrection O Christ, glory be to Your kingdom, glory be to Your planning, You are the only Lover of mankind."
St. Demiana & St. Athanasius Church, Sydney uploaded a new media, To leetho [Coptic resurrection liturgy] (By Malak Rizkalla)
10 years ago
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