Let them exalt him Falyarfa'ooh fi Kanissat - for the Pope (By Malak Rizkalla)
Falyarfa'ooh fi Kanissat - for Pope Shenouda (By Malak Rizkalla)
Sung by Malak Rizkalla
Edited by Bishoi Rizkalla
Fal yarfa'oo fi kaneesat sha'abahihy wal yobarekohu 'alla manaber al-she-yokh : le anahu ga'ala obuwatana methla al-kherraf, yobsiru al-mostakimoona wa yafrahoon. Aksama al-Rabu walan yandam, anaka anta howa al-kahen ella al-abad 'alla rotbat Melki-sadek ya Rabana Yasoua al-Massieh. Al-Rabu 'an yamenok ya abana al-kedees al-tobawy al-baba al Anba (.....) Wa shareekoka fi el-khedma al-rasooleya abeena al oskof al-tobawee al Anba (.....) al-Rabu yahfaz hayatakooma : amin alleluia.
Let them exalt Him in the Church of His people, and praise Him in the assembly of the elders, for He has made His families like a flock of sheep, that the upright may see and rejoice. The Lord has sworn and will not relent, You are a Priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek. The Lord is at your right hand, O our saintly father, the patriarch Pope Abba (.....). And our father the bishop Abba (.....). May the Lord preserve your lives : amen alleluia.
St. Demiana & St. Athanasius Church, Sydney uploaded a new media, Let them exalt him Falyarfa'ooh fi Kanissat - for the Pope (By Malak Rizkalla)
9 years ago
- Ungrouped
- Level: Revision
- Language: Arabic
- Cantor: Malak Rizkalla